Our original plan was to follow the lead of another member of our hiking group and go to Little Glassy Mountain, but after a problem filled week at work I needed something a little more secluded, someplace where problems and a cell phone signal couldn't find me. This little tidbit will come into play later in the story.

FR 477 or Avery Creek Road, the road that leads to Buckhorn Gap Trail (the trail that takes you to Twin Falls) is located just past the Pisgah National Forest’s visitor's center on Highway 276. It's a road I'm sure we've seen in the past, but we totally ignored, so when we turned and saw the sign announcing the road was closed 1.75 miles down near the stables, we decided to explore it anyway. After all, it's in Pisgah. It had to be interesting.
It was. We stopped several times to check out the campsites along the road or the clear water running through Avery creek. We weren't in the mood to leave, so we decided to hike along 477. As we were grabbing packs and walking sticks, two hikers returned from the direction we were about to head in and mentioned the trailhead wasn't very far. It was getting late but a quick glance at our watch told us we had another three and a half hours of daylight left, so we decided to hike to the falls anyway. That was our next mistake.
This was by far the most scenic trail we've been on this winter. It follows Avery Creek for awhile but then branches off and follows another white-water, cascade filled creek.

I was sure the trail was a loop, so we kept on walking, certain we'd reach 477 soon. We reached a gravel road, which make hiking easier. But about an hour later, night fell. We pulled out our flashlights and when we reached a Y-Junction that had absolutely no markings on it, we decided to back track.
We were at an elevation somewhere in the vicinity of 2,600 feet. It was cold on that mountain and we didn't have a jacket, but as long as we moved, we were okay. It was also dark. We had two flashlights, but the batteries in mine were weak, and soon after, the light faded. I walked behind my husband as close as I dared, but the darkness swallowed the light and I could barely see. Back tracking the remainder of the trail was out: after we left the falls, we'd climbed a hill with an elevation of around 1,400 feet. We'd have to make our way down that hill in the dark, and if we did make it, the trail below it was confusing. If we missed one of those orange blazes, we would be lost in the Pisgah National Forest.
We were obviously lost, but what could we do without a map? We reached the gravel road and stopped at the point where the Black Mountain Trail intersected with Buckhorn Gap to regroup our thoughts and to make a plan. The cold began settling in our bones. We saw a sign for a trailside shelter. Kelley searched for it, but couldn't find it. He rejoined me where I stood in the dark, and finally, the realization that we were in big, big trouble sank in.

Late Afternoon Rays Indicate Trouble Is Ahead
I carried a Cobra hand radio in my pack, so I tried to contact someone to find out how far we were from the trailhead. No answer. I shouted into the darkness. No answer. We both tried using our cell phones. No signal. We were stuck in the dark on a mountain in the cold and we were lost.
Why didn't you build a fire? You might ask. We could have, but keep in mind this is January. The sun set around 5:30 or 6:00. We were facing twelve hours of darkness. It takes a lot of kindling and firewood to keep one warm for that amount of time, and to collect it meant risking a fall down steep slopes hidden in the darkness. We were also in the middle of a drought, and while it had rained, we had no guarantees that it rained there. We were surrounded by trees with nothing but leafy ground cover under our feet.
We finally realized we wouldn't make it through the night. We were about to die.
We had a lot of sweet moments in the time that followed, and we didn't hesitate to say how much we loved each other and how blessed we were to have the other in our lives. Surprisingly, I wasn't scared. I was on the trail with my husband, and I knew where I was going. It was okay.
We didn't give up though. At times I shouted (I have a really big voice), and Kelley still sought solutions. I tried my cell phone again, trying this spot and then another. And with my phone (not Kelley's, for I tried) and while standing on one spot, I was finally able to reach 911. We shared our predicament. They took the info and said they'd call back. An hour later, with my phone and on that spot, I called back. As it turns out, they'd been trying to call me but couldn't get through.
I should take a moment to mention that I have an old Nokia phone. I need a new one, but I refused to give up this particular phone because Nicholas Sparks used it to say Happy Birthday to my daughter during one of his book signings. No way I was going to give it up. Because of that, my old dual-band phone was able to reach 911 in a forest which, according to rescuers, has only 11% cell coverage. God does indeed work in mysterious ways.
Two hours after we called for help, two ATV's and a pickup arrived. We then learned we were three miles from the trailhead. If we'd had a map, we would have known the gravel road we'd stopped on led back to the stables. That may have helped, we don't know. It took a half hour to drive down it, so there's no telling what would have happened to us while walking in the dark.
We arrived at our car at 10:oo PM. The temperature at the stables where the Brevard Rescue squad had set up rescue operations was 43 degrees.
Lesson learned: No hikes over two miles during the winter. We start early, make sure we have flashlights with fresh batteries, proper clothing, and those little silver emergency blankets. Most important, we don't assume we'll be okay just because we hike frequently.

Thank goodness for Nicolas Sparks being such a nice guy he was willing to record a message telling your daughter happy birthday!!!!! I'm glad you made it!
Thanks, Melanie. To my surprise, he actually took the phone and talked to her for a few minutes. That was before the lines started wrapping around The Open Book in Greenville, SC, where he held the booksigning. I don't think he has that kind of time now! But I am grateful to him for his kindness, both for my daughter's sake, and because if he hadn't, we would have died on that mountain that night.
BTW, I still use that phone.
Wow! This is an amazing story. I'm so glad you made it. And yes, how God works in mysterious ways! This could be incorporated into a wonderful short story. Have you done that? Somehow, I suspect you may have:) If you have, I would love to read it.
Well, I am having fun on your site again. I love reading about the places I know, but I also love to read about the ones I'm not familiar with (which is why I clicked on this one). I'm sure glad I did. What a nail biter. We've been around this region in a car but not on the trails, so now I'll make sure to take a map, etc.
Thanks, Kimberli! A wonderful story and information.
Thanks, Julie. Yes, we learned quite a few lessons that day. Now you know why I tell people to be careful while in the great outdoors!
I haven't incorporated this event into a story yet, but I suppose I will eventually. That night is still too vivid in my mind. Someday. However, just yesterday I sent a message to Mr. Sparks via his website and shared the story with him. I hadn't planned to tell him at all, but the ladies at Seekerville (http://seekerville.blogspot.com) encouraged me to do so after the story came up during a discussion. For some reason, they thought he'd like to know.
I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. Earlier reports need to be rewritten, so you'll likely encounter atrocious writing. Please grin and bear it--I'm getting there. I also need to add photos. Originally, I was using Yahoo photos and it has since shut down.
I don't think any of the writing is atrocious. It's wonderful! You have a talent for taking the reader where you have been. I was actually holding my breath while reading this one. I know you survived, of course, but I was on the edge of my seat to see how you got out of it.
I think Mr. Sparks would like to know, too. That's a great idea. Thanks for the link at Seekerville. I'll check them out, too.
Thanks! I've been trying to clean up some of my earlier writing (I was the queen of semi colons, and the empress of long sentences, lol.) I think I have only a few more posts to go.
I'm sooo glad some of the emotions we experience that night comes through in this post. Perhaps after reading it, others will think twice before hiking an unknown trail without a map!
I've heard you tell this story before and this is the second time I've read it here. To me it's one of my favorite ones. Expect the unexpected.
It was memorable. I thought it was a good idea to remember the lessons, lol.
I need to add photos from that trip to this blog. I'll try to do it this week.
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