
Carolina in Bloom: Pink Lady Slippers

Temperatures have finally warmed up, and though we had a cold snap last week that may have killed some emerging flowers, we visited a site known to have Pink Lady Slippers, one of the many wild orchids that grow in the Carolinas. We didn't spot any on our way up the trail, but on the way back, we finally found one in bloom.

My husband's size 12 hiking shoe shown on the right gives you an indication of how impressive these beauties are. Unfortunately, poachers have been known to dig them up, not knowing their existence relies on the pine trees that shade them. 

When in nature, take only pictures and memories. The treasures you leave behind will be enjoyed for a lifetime.


  1. Oh what a treasure to find these beauties!!


  2. Absolutely. Last year, we didn't spot one, which was cause for concern because the area had been cleared. This year, we spotted several. We were thrilled!

  3. just beautiful-our friend Mr L says we have these too in our woods-but have not seen one yet-

  4. Thanks, Kathy. Keep an eye out for the leaves--two broad leaves first emerging as a roll. And don't necessarily look for pink. There is a yellow variety as well. If you find that, count yourself blessed and keep the location to yourself lol

  5. I was so pleased to find a grouping of pink ladies slippers yesterday. They are fascinating and must not be disturbed. They are complex and rely on a fungi for nourishment.

    1. Thanks for confirming that, Lisa. A friend had told me about the fungus, which exists on the root of the pines, correct? But I wasn't certain enough about that last detail to mention it.

    2. Mobile Blogger got persnickety and wouldn't allow me to comment more. I'm glad you found a grouping. These are such beauties!
