
An Hour on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Last week, we traveled to the mountains of North Carolina for overdue visits to destinations treasured to the state. Shortly after arriving, we hopped on the Blue Ridge Parkway to soak in much-missed scenery. Trillium and other spring wildflowers grew along the road and storm clouds cleared just enough to form a rainbow, visible from an overlook. A beautiful evening along the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Copyright 2012 K. L. Buffaloe

Copyright 2012 K. Buffaloe

Copyright 2012 K. Buffaloe
Copyright 2012 K Buffaloe
Copyright 2012 K Buffaloe
In upcoming posts, I'll share a bit about the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park and Grandfather Mountain. Yes, I crossed that bridge when I came to it. You should have heard it sing.


  1. beautiful photos-the blue ridge parkway brings back childhood memories

  2. Thanks, Kathy. It's such a wonderful place, and threatened due to shrinking budgets. I don't know the extend of the threat, but I do hope America realizes the treasure they have in this roadway.

    I'll have more pics soon from Moses H. Cone Park and Grandfather Mountain!
