
Snow Day!

A snow system moved through the Carolinas this past week, dumping snow on a good portion of both states, giving some a white Christmas and others, a headache from accidents and power outages.

Our snow arrived shortly after midnight the day after Christmas, so we awoke to a winter wonderland. This being the south, it began to melt the following day, but we did snap a few photos.

And the photo that I'm so proud of, I actually uploaded it to the Weather Channel and another news show!

I love the snow. Even more, I love that it's usually gone within two days. Stay warm and drive safely!


  1. Hey, I liked looking at and read some of your blog tonight. My wife has not seen NC and this is nice to have a site showing the many wonders. Paul

  2. Hi Paul! Thanks, I'm glad y'all enjoyed the tour around the Carolinas. It' a labor of love.

    Take care and stop in anytime!

  3. beautiful photos Kim, I remember back in the 70s I was living in Jacksonville, NC and they got their first snow storm in over 70 years. It was alot of snow too, and stayed colder than normal for about a week before the thaw--quite an adventure cause the city had no snow plows, and no one could find a snow shovel-lol

  4. Hi Kathy. Thanks! I think Jacksonville received some accumulation from this storm, but not as much as we did. And it's still coating our yard and deck! The roads are clear, thankfully. Over the past few years, NC cities and the state have invested in a few bulldozers and trucks that spray brine on the road. Living in the country as we do, I don't know what we would have done stuck in the house this long!

    Thanks for stopping by, and Happy New Year!
