
Scenes from California

We're back from California, where we met the newest member of our family. We also took our toddling grandson to a couple outdoor destinations to teach him how to enjoy, and appreciate, the great outdoors. Below are a few scenes from our trip. First, from a local recreational area, then from Olde Town and places around San Diego.

Why post photos of California in a blog called Carolina Towns and Trails? As I like to point out to justify these posts, California was originally included in the land grants extended to the Lord Proprietors, those bearing the noble names of Hyde, Albemarle, Craven, Carteret, Ashley Cooper, Berkeley and more:

This is what they would have seen:

We also checked out Balboa Park in San Diego. Housing trails, gardens, over a dozen museums and restaurants located inside stunning structures built in the Spanish tradition, and the San Diego Zoo, the park is a favorite for visitors and residents living in and around the San Diego area. We stopped by the science museum, and attempted a visit to the Museum of Natural History. Unfortunately, we neglected to check operating times before we went.

Certain I couldn't take photos within the museum, I left my camera in the car. A huge loss. We did, however, snap a couple of photos from the interior of the car.

And nearby...

A must stop if you're in the San Diego area. For more information, go to

California is nice, especially since it's the home of our grandbabies, but I don't blame the Lord Proprietors for sticking close to home. After all, nothing could be finer....well, you know.


  1. I like San Diego. Did you go to Point Cabrillo National Monument?

  2. I can understand why you like it so much. It's beautiful.

    We went there on a day trip, and had the baby with us, so we missed much, including that monument. I'll put it on the list for the next trip, though. Thanks for the information!

  3. beautiful photos-I have never been to california

  4. Thanks, Kathy. I enjoyed taking those photos.

    We hadn't been until our daughter moved there. Northern Cali is vastly different from S. Cali, which has a more rugged beauty. But when I'm there, I miss trees and green foliage.
