
Coming Up...

I'm still here (though the Carolinatownsandtrails domain was down for several hours yesterday) and will be posting soon. Coming up are photos and information on the Old Burying Ground and Carrot Island in Beaufort, NC, and on Petersburg National Battlefield near Richmond, VA.

But first, the next adventure. With lower temperatures and humidity, it's time for a walk in the woods. Finally.

On another note, if you received several posts containing gibberish, you'll understand why I'll never again blog by phone. My apologies for that.


  1. Yup, I got a couple of Gibberish posts and thought, "What the %%#$%#$^^#$#$^#$#$^$##$@#$'

  2. Too funny! I'm glad I tested it out while at home where I could fix it immediately instead of attempting it from the trail. Lesson learned!

    I don't know if I mentioned it, but I enjoyed your photos from the Grandfather Mountain Camera Clinic. You CA boys made a beautiful mountain look even better. Congrats!
