
South on the Parkway

A great day on the Parkway! A few sights we passed while driving south to our first stop, Mt. Mitchell:

Linn Cove Viaduct from across the Parkway

And, in a shot difficult to snap due to the sun setting just beside it, the much photographed viaduct from the highway below:

Below, Grandfather Mountain from the Parkway. While driving today, we had the privilege of seeing the old mountain from several different perspectives. I knew Grandfather played a large role in this region, literally and figuratively, but I'm just beginning to learn how significant it is.

You can't drive along the Parkway and not see colorful wildflowers blooming along the road. It's too early for Mountain Ash, so I don't know what these are. The color is rich, and about as red as the Fire Pinks and Bee Balms.

St. Johns Wort. Yes, it's a flower!

Purple fringed orchids.

As mentioned, our first stop was Mt. Mitchell to see the new observation tower, visible from the road:

More on that in my next post, along with a sweet story about Granny's Depression Era Cobbler. And yes, it relates to Mt. Mitchell!


  1. Thanks! The master took the PFO and St Johns Wort. I cropped, and took the berries, whatever they are. We missed out on shots of Turks Caps lilies.

    It was good to see a good variety of colorful flowers growing along the road!
