
A Few From the Parkway

I traveled to the South Carolina Upstate today for reasons I'll soon announce, and I took advantage of the trip to check out one of our favorite spots--the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Originally, I'd hoped to visit Mt Mitchell to see the newly constructed observation tower. As it turns out, today was the official opening for the long awaited structure. But members of my hiking group informed me a section of the Parkway south of Mt Mitchell to just north of Asheville is closed. Sure, I could have followed detour directions posted on the NPS's Parkway page, but with the longer trip and thunderboomers in the immediate forecast, I decided to wait until my husband and I could travel together--in clear weather.

But I did take America's Favorite Drive from Asheville to the Cold Mountain Overlook, where I cut down Hwy 276. After the rain, the air is clear and fresh, and wispy clouds flit through the mountain peaks. I took a few photos. Unfortunately, I neglected to reset the white balance after a wedding last week, so they're a bit overexposed. But you'll get the picture.

Wispy clouds hover over peaks shortly after a rain:

Rhododendrons frame Looking Glass Rock:

Close up of Looking Glass Rock

It's spring, and the Parkway is waking from its winter slumber. Be still my Carolina heart.


  1. Absolutely beautiful pictures. It shows how little I know about photography. I wouldn't have known they are overexposed in the least! I love the clouds in that first picture. What majestic beauty.

    I'm intrigued as to what your announcement will be!

  2. Thanks, Julie. In my next post, you'll learn why I was in the Upstate. It's exciting news for Carolina Towns and Trails!

  3. I'm so glad I found your blog (linked from I will definitely flag it and visit often.

    I have a similar picture of Looking Glass Rock on my own blog on May 13. We live in Brevard and hit the BRP at least once a week.

    I will look forward to reading your archives.

  4. Thanks, Carolyn. And what a beautiful blog you have!

    Thanks for stopping by!
