
North Carolina Habitats and Ecosystem

A discussion on my hiking group list recently turned to the subject of natural habitats. While doing research to augment my poor knowledge on the subject, I came across the following publication. I thought it valuable enough to pass it along to readers of this blog. To access the PDF version of Classifications of Natural Communities of North Carolina, go to:

In this book, authors Michael P. Schafale and Alan S. Weakley break North Carolina into regions (high mountain communities to nontidal coastal fringe wetlands and marine systems) and then list the natural communities such as bogs, mesic pine flatwoods, Streamhead Pocosins and more in each of those regions. They then provide a ton of information about individual communities including soils in the system, rare plants known to grow there, sites, etc. It's extremely informative. Though I can't understand everything in it, I can certainly can learn a lot from it.

In addition to the free online version, you can order a bound copy through the NHP at

Also, I recently learned my readership has extended beyond the North American border. To those of you outside the US, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy this small peek into the beautiful Carolinas.


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